She's got a bus, now.

 Just got home from the dedication of Laurie's Ambulance. It does make me very sad that she's gone, and I miss her all the time, but this just feels like a good place to start letting some of the pain go. She lived an incredible life and to hear so much love from the fire house where  she spent the majority of her time...

It was just priceless.

So many times listening to her stress and fret about wanting to do the right thing, wanting to find her place and where she could shine. I admit, I always wondered if the love was returned. That question is definitely answered at this point. So much pride and love in that room. Just fills your heart with good stuff.

I didn't know I could be so proud of a friend. I wish she could see it. No, I wish I could watch her beaming smile and a tear come to her eye as she read the side of That ambulance. Who knew giving a gift to a dead friend could feel so amazingly good.

I love you Laurie Sandberg, and I am always amazed how I am just one of so, so many that felt that way. It was such a great idea of Steph's to put the duck in there, I hope they keep it.


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