Caring For Oneself

 Sometimes as a person with mental illness, you have to recognize that the cocktail has gone horribly wrong; And while you can try to fight it, the smartest thing to do is stop in for a tune-up. You have a couple of options there, hopefully as many as I have. My doctor was out on vacation so I couldn't see him. I didn't want to go the hospital at all, because I don't like hospitals. So I ended up in a crisis house. Mine has eight other people here, also in crisis. I won't mention anything about them, out of respect for their privacy. But let's say some of them are a few jacks full of a full deck. Some are just experiencing hard. times; it happens, sometimes the shit hits the fan and just sprays for weeks. I just needed a medication adjustment. Usually I would only come in if I was suicidal or broken in some major way. 

Apparently I don't see spending gobs of money and screaming at your best friend because he said he didn't have that problem in the video game as major difficulties. I think that says more about me than it should.

So, here I am in a crisis house, waiting for adjustments. It takes time. All good things take time.


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