Well, it's been a while...

 I can't say it's been a super year. No major medical problems that threatened my life this year, but I was sick for a very long time. Pretty sure I had covid at one point, but it was a light variant. I did break my foot in Ohio at one point. Got astoundingly depressed for quite a while, and now I'm gearing up to teach a course for NAMI. So that part is good. Lord Remington X continues to be a source of feline inspiration, and I have been working on music again for the first time in quite a while.

The music has been pretty great, I'm taking my time, trying to really drink the whole experience in. I was listening to a lot of music that has always been very inspirational and that led to mixing tracks and then to writing. I've been trying to avoid using other people's loops, and that has slowed the whole thing quite a bit. I was trying to set things up with a drtummer friend and he suggested rather than sending him whole songs I should just send sixteen bars at a time and then assemble later. That led to me playing around A LOT with sounds and synths and such. Which led to me assembling, and mixing and then mastering. Now I have a few done and it's time to think about releasing them into the wild.

Notion. Played with it yet? Because I got hooked.

So, yeah, that's the update.


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